Saturday, August 8, 2015

What Would You Do?

If you've ever lost your wallet, cell phone or both, you know how frustrating, stressful and even embarrassing it can be.  All of this went through my head the other night when I saw a wallet and cell phone left on the train.

When I saw the wallet and cell phone, I remembered the
time I lost my phone on the train- I never got it back

It was almost 1:00 in the morning, on my regular MetroNorth train from work. We were about a minute away from my stop when I saw them. The cell phone was on a seat and the wallet was on the floor. My stop is the last one of the night, so the train was pretty empty. I looked around to see if I could find the conductor, but she had already walked to the front of the train to make sure no one was sleeping. The only other person in the train car was another woman. I asked her if they were hers (even though, I could tell the wallet was a man's). She said no, and suggested I look for the owner on Facebook. At this point, the train was now at the station and I had a decision to make- take the cell phone and wallet, or leave them there.

I decided to take them and try to find the owner.  As soon as I got off the train, and the train doors closed, I started to regret my decision and question myself.
Why didn't I just mind my own business?
Why didn't I leave the phone and wallet where I had found them?
What if I couldn’t find the guy?
What if I did find him and he accused me of stealing money from him?
What if I met up with him to return his stuff and he killed me (I know that sounds dramatic but I work in the news business, it could happen)?

Well, as my mother always told me, I had made my bed, now I had to lay in it.  I had the owners' name from his wallet, so I decided to try to find him.  I followed my fellow passengers' advice and found him on Facebook.  I sent him a direct message, telling him I had found his phone and wallet.  When I got home, I kept the phone by my bed all night, assuming the owner would try to call it, he didn't. The next morning, a text came over the phone with a number to call if the phone had been found.  I called the number and left a message saying I had found the phone and the wallet.  I even kept the phone charged, so it wouldn't die, just in case the owner called or texted again.  I never got any response, from my phone or Facebook message.

Lost and Found is located on the lower level of
Grand Central Terminal near the NYPD station

Now I was REALLY regretting my decision.  I had the man's address, but I didn't feel comfortable going to his house (again, I don't want to get killed).  So, what to do?  I decided to bring them both back to the MetroNorth lost and found office at Grand Central Terminal.  The guy behind the counter seemed shocked when he looked inside the wallet and saw a wad of cash, I guess not everyone is so honest.

Luckily, there was only 1 person in front of me
at the Lost and Found- when I lost my phone the line was really long

Throughout this whole experience, I felt like I was on that show, "What Would You Do?" and someone would pop out and say I had passed the test, obviously, they didn't!  So I ask you, what would you do if this happened to you?  I'm not sure what I will do if this ever happens to me again.  But I do know, if I ever lose my phone.. I will call it!!!  A lot!

1 comment:

  1. You did the right thing.... Excactly what I would hope would happen if I lost my phone and wallet.
    It seems like a mystery. What happened? I hope the owner is ok and gets his stuff back.
