Monday, August 24, 2015

Haircut Hell

To Michael at Hair Designers in White Plains,

Nathan hates getting his haircut.  As soon as I tell him, he needs a haircut, he starts yelling, screaming and kicking.  It was the same thing yesterday when I told him I was taking him for a haircut.  The entire ride in the car, he screamed and cursed at me.

Walking into the salon, I was so nervous.  I didn’t know what he was going to do.  I didn’t know if he would hit you, yell at you or even let you cut his hair at all.  We have tried many different salons and hairdressers.  We have tried salons specifically for kids with video games he can play, we have tried barber shops, Jason and I have tried cutting his hair.  Usually when one of us cuts his hair that’s the easiest, but it comes out looking awful!

You greeted us with a smile.  I didn’t tell you Nathan had autism, but I could tell you knew something was different.  Usually when people talk to Nathan and he doesn’t make eye contact or answer, they stop trying and just talk to me.  You were so patient, and gave him all the time he needed to answer your questions.  You asked him how old he was, what his brother’s name is, you asked him how old his brother is, you even asked if he has started shaving yet.  I’m not sure if you could tell, but he thought that question was funny.  He didn’t laugh because he was nervous about getting his hair cut.  When you had finished only half his head and he asked if he could leave, you calmly explained that you were almost done, if he could just sit still for a couple more minutes.  This was the first time I was able to actually sit and watch while Nathan got a haircut.  Usually I have to stand and hold his head to keep him from moving and trying to run away because the hairdressers don’t try to engage him.

For years, getting Nathan’s hair cut has been hell, but you made it so much easier.  The fact that Nathan came back, handed you the tip and said, “Thank you for cutting my hair, Michael” was huge.  I wasn’t sure if you know how huge it was.  But then you looked me in the eye and said, “Thank you, continue to stay positive”.  It was in that moment as tears came to my eyes, that I knew you understood.

You didn't get to see this smile but, Nathan loves his new haircut,
and will look so handsome when he goes back to school next week
All I can say is, thank you.  Thank you for being so kind to my son, thank you for your understanding, and thank you for being positive!

Becky and Nathan Cook

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