Friday, September 11, 2015

I'm Guilty!

Mommy guilt, it's unavoidable.  No matter what you do for, with, or to your child there is always something to feel guilty about.  It's not limited to just mommies.  Daddies often feel guilty too.
Since I work so much, we try to do things together on the
weekends, like going to a Yankee game
As I've told you before, when my kids were little, I stayed home with them for a few years.  It was a struggle.  It was nearly impossible to find a job, and money was really tight.  Jason and I used to feel so guilty that we couldn't provide certain things for our kids.

Now that I'm a working mom, I feel guilty about working so many hours a week.  Every morning when I drop the kids off at school, I give them a big hug and kiss and say, "Have a great day, see you tomorrow".  It rips my heart out.  I would give anything to be able to see them at night, have dinner with them and kiss them good night.
One good thing about my schedule is being
able to attend school functions during the day
Everyday at work, I have an editorial meeting at 3:00.  That's the exact time that the kids are getting home from school.  I feel guilty if my meeting runs long and I don't get to call them by 3:30 to see how their day was.  If Nathan has a particularly bad day at school that is filled with meltdowns, I feel bad trying to talk to him about it over the phone, instead of being able to talk to him face-to-face.

On Wednesday morning, Drew told me was missing a 3-ring binder that he needed for school.  I know I bought one when I went back to school shopping.  I must have sent it to school with Nathan.  His sad face when he told me everyone else in the class has a binder, but he doesn't made me feel- you guessed it- GUILTY!
Nathan and I have a date night every Saturday
and watch Disney movies together!
I know I should cut myself a break.  I'm doing the best I can, just like all you other mommies and daddies out there.  I'll try, but as I said, mommy guilt, it's unavoidable. All you other great mommies and daddies out there, cut yourself a break too.

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