Thursday, September 24, 2015

Thank God For Family

Nothing is more important to me than my family. My husband and I are both very lucky to have amazing families that we love more than anything. Our parents, sisters, nieces, aunts, uncles and cousins are the most important people in our lives. We especially rely on our parents, who we know would do anything for us.  Unfortunately though, we don't live close to our families.  My parents live about an hour and 10 minutes away, and Jason's parents live in Florida.  But despite the distance, they are all always willing to help us out in anyway they can.
Our first trip to Walt Disney World with the kids-
we traveled with my parents, and my sister and her family
Our most recent trip was with Jason's parents, his sister and her family,
his cousin and her family and his 2 aunts
Since Jason and I both work and sleep weird hours, Jason's parents often fly up when the kids are out of school to help us out or my parents will take the kids to their house for a few days.  Since Jason and I got married 14 years ago, we have moved six times.  Our parents helped us each time- from packing up to the actual move and unpacking.
After Drew's First Communion with my parents, my nieces
and Jason's mom
While we know how lucky we are, it's very difficult to live so far away from our families.  It would be so nice to be able to call someone at a moments' notice to come over to help us, to have someone to call if we need help running the kids to school or practice or a meeting.  I am so thankful to have 2 sets of amazing parents.  I try to never take that for granted and appreciate everything they do for us.  Like I said, nothing is more important to Jason and me than our family and we try to instill those same values in our boys.  Nathan and Drew both have very close relationships with their grandparents even though they don't see them everyday or every week or even every month sometimes.  I thank God every day for our parents and the rest of our families!

We love you all!

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