Tuesday, October 20, 2015

I'm Drowning.. In Paperwork!

I need to get organized!  When you have a child with special needs, you will be drowning in paperwork.  I have every report from every doctor's appointment Nathan has ever had, every evaluation, every therapist.
This is the original binder I created for Nathan's
When we were getting Nathan diagnosed, I created a binder.  That binder quickly became 2 binders, which quickly became a drawer in our file cabinet.  And now it's just a huge pile of papers and boxes in the corner of our dining room.  I just got a call from social services saying they need one specific report from the school from three years ago.  Ugh.
When we outgrew the binder, I started using
a drawer in our file cabinet
Why are all of these reports so important?  Every time you meet with a new service provider or doctor, they will start with a treatment history.  You will have to know how long he had ABA therapy before starting school, his date of diagnosis, and the date of his latest psychological testing.  And someone can call you at anytime and ask you to fax over 40 different documents immediately.
Now, I have a pile of papers and boxes in the
corner of our dining room
So, I guess I better get to the store and buy a bigger file cabinet, and this one will be just for Nathan's documents, because, who knows who will call me tomorrow, and what they will ask for!

1 comment:

  1. wow i totally understand the strain. this usually happens to me at the end of the weekend when i am to complete most of my assignments. i hope it gets lighter for you. so keep us updated with anything more
