Tuesday, October 13, 2015

An Autism Mom Is An Advocate Mom

I think people would describe me as a nice person.  I try to be nice.  But sometimes, I just don't have time to be nice!  After Nathan was diagnosed with autism, a fight began.  Getting the help, services, appointments, diagnoses, classifications and meetings for Nathan has been a constant battle.
If you call and leave a message for social services, don't expect anyone to call you back.  If you have a new teacher, don't expect that they will read your child's IEP and know what he needs.  If you call for an appointment with a doctor, you'll probably be told nothing is available for months.  So, what do you do?  Call back, again, and again, and again.

Sometimes my husband, Jason, says I'm too harsh.  When he is cc'ed on an email with a therapist, teacher or doctor and I tell them exactly what we expect from them and how they are not living up to that expectation, Jason will say, "I don't know if you should have said it like that.  It seemed kind of mean."

But you know what?  I don't care!  I've learned and grown so much in the last 8 years.  It used to be hard for me to speak up and ask for things.  But I've learned if you know what your child needs, demand it and continue to demand it, you will get it.  It might take months, or even years, but eventually, you will get it.

I know it is discouraging and frustrating, but please don't give up. You are your child's biggest advocate.  Continue to ask for what your child needs, eventually it will pay off!

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